Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Splendiferous Sunset

The horizon slices through the magnificent sun, a bigger segment lying in reflection in the water as its sharp blend of rays in orange, pink, blue, red and purple pierce the clouds painfully. The bright yellow, hot flames that had been warming and brightening the day slowly extinguish, converting to deep cool orange flames. The never ending, deep ocean tardily becomes several shades darker, mirroring the splendiferous sky while sharing the unique beauty of its colours smoothly. The scene is simply dazzling. Colours of the rainbow given off by the umbrellas, hats and swimming costumes, battled wildly against the colour of, the golden sand; a layer of tiny eroded rocks blanketing the land from the ocean. All the colours were fading swiftly like water pouring out of a jug. The dark grey cliffs piercing the splendid sky, with its sharp heads, adding to my view of the sweet scene, hanging uninterestingly in the sides of the sand. The once noisy beach, where children's shout of laughter was heard, is suddenly slowly being replaced by the constant whisper of the wind and the splashing, spluttering and swishing of the waves. Footprints stamped into the sizzling sand, being washed away by the wild waves driven by the wind; erasing all evidences of life having been there. Distant leaving figures, against the stunning colours of the background, were shown as black difficult to observe. Silence hung, a sharp knife, threatening anything that disturbs it. Sharp rocks pierce my feet as I walk through the sand slowly, but also strangely comforting at the same time; the skin on my feet being slowly stroked by the waves is left tingling. As I slowly sat myself positioned between the sand and small waves, the feeling of comforting loneliness suddenly started to overwhelm me, the sereneness of the sunset scene, the whispering of the few trees stranded, the sound of the distant seagulls all combined together able to make any stone heart melt. As the enormous orange marble makes the last step of its journey, welcoming the darkness that would soon wrap itself around the world until tomorrow, with its remaining rays. I got up slowly, my gaze on the amazing scene before me; trying to absorb as much of the beauty while it lasts. Inch by inch the orange marble slips out of view, letting its slowly extinguishing rays say goodbye with the little energy left in the rays to the land soon to be enclosed in darkness. I started to run home.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Compare and Contrast Literature Essay

I have chosen to compare and contrast a short story, written by Kate Chopin titled â€Å"The story of an hour,† and a poem written by Alfred, Lord Tennyson titled, â€Å"In Memoriam. † I chose these two pieces of work because I was drawn to the short story and when I read the poem it had the same theme of hope in the face of death. The topic, or theme of these particular literary works is death and impermanence. I will compare and contrast the elements of symbolism, point of view, theme, and setting. The comparison of these particular works will provide deeper insights to the hope that develops within a person when confronted with death, as well as further insight to the symbolism used within the choice of words written by the authors to convey their feelings at that particular time that the work was written. Authors are sometimes likely to deal with the superficial appearance of things rather than showing genuine knowledge of what is actually real (Evans, 2010). In the poem by Lord Tennyson the genuine knowledge of reality is definitely present, however, the short story by Kate Chopin seems to become somewhat illogical in the end when the wife dies of â€Å"joy that kills† In an analysis of short fiction, the text points out that authors will know how to manipulate words but not know how to examine the ideas seriously (Evans, 2010). â€Å"In Memoriam,† is a poem that was written in response to the death of a close friend of the author. His reflection is written to show that hope may be a sustaining factor in the face of death (Clugston, 2010). The author of this work is showing his hopefulness for all, not just himself or the deceased. â€Å"That not one life shall be destroy’d, / or cast as rubbish to the void† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 11. 6). Which sounds like he feels as if his friend was â€Å"cast as rubbish to the void. † The author continues on with his words as if he is trying to gain hope for himself, along with others, and hopes that he is not cast to the void as well. The story of an hour,† is a short story that was written to coincide with the author’s personal quest for freedom, along with upholding a woman’s strength in spite of her adulterous life, and developing hope in the face of death (Clugston, 2010). This author is describing an epiphany of hope that comes in a sudden wave of emotion and confusion. â€Å"There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know. † (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 2. 2). Mrs. Mallard had just been given the tragic news of her husband being in the train accident, yet she is trying to fight off the emotions of joy and freedom as best she could. To no avail, she realized that there was so much life and detail in everything around her. The birds were singing in the trees, the clouds piled in the sky above her house, and the sudden feeling of what seemed like joy! Both the poem, and the short story are made up of the emotions that surround death. An elegy, which is a lyric poem about death, has the emotions of uncertainty, confusions, hope, sadness, and even symbolism to show some of these emotions. In both works there is the mention of spring, which symbolizes birth and new beginnings. The poem says, â€Å"I can but trust that good shall fall / At last – far off – at last, to all, / and every winter change to spring† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 11. 6). The short story describes the setting in this detail; â€Å"she could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 2. 2). The reference to spring is the hopefulness that both authors have for the future. In contrast, the poem, compares the spring to a change from winter to spring, which symbolizes the transition from death (winter), to birth (spring), and the continued hope for new beginnings. The difference in these two literary works is how the setting and point of view are written. The poem does not have a real clear setting, and is done in first person. The short story describes the setting, minor details of the characters, and is written in third person which allows for the author to relate with the feelings and thoughts of the other characters as well as the protagonist. Even though the overall theme of death is what links these two works together, the point of view is what sets them apart. The setting of â€Å"In Memoriam† seems to be within the author’s mind or dream. â€Å"So runs my dream; but what am I? † (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 11. 6). There is no definite place or time in this poem, whereas the story is set at the protagonist’s house, where she goes to be alone in her bedroom. Once there, she notices the sky and the trees within her yard that are described in detail, also with some added symbolism. For example; â€Å"There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her window† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 2. 2). The patches of blue sky is where the symbolism for calm and peaceful is conveyed. In spite of the day’s events there is a calmness in the air that leads into the coming of Mrs. Mallard’s epiphany. Once I interpreted this symbolism, there was a sense of foreshadowing that I did not relate to the story the first few times I read it. I would describe the details of this setting as a ‘symbolic setting. ’ The whole picture the reader gets out of the window of Mrs. Mallard’s room is calmness, new beginning, and joy. In contrast to the story, the poem’s lack of setting leaves the reader in wonder. There is only symbolic emotion and metaphors with no clear reason or event. It is clear the author is relating his emotions of sorrow with words, but there lacks clarity in the why or whom. The work is somewhat vague, leaving the emotion of the poem in a generalized form to which anyone could connect. In the same sense, a reader may not connect with the poem because there is not a specific or personal connection within the writing for the reader to relate to. The reader must have some knowledge of the author outside the poem to fully understand the meaning and symbolism. Continuing, with a thought on symbolism, there is a metaphor in both literary works which compares emotions to a crying baby. It was not until I read the works side by side that I noticed the reference. In the poem the author writes; â€Å"So runs my dream; but what am I? An infant crying in the night; / An infant crying for the light; / And with no language but a cry† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 11. 6). An infant crying for the â€Å"light,† is crying for hope, knowledge, truth, and safety (Clugston, 2010). The metaphor in the short story is described as; â€Å"†¦ when a sob came up into her throat and shook her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 2. 2). Similar to the first metaphor, the meaning is the same, babies cry for comfort and safety. Both characters are in a state of confusion and are relating their feelings to a baby because they want comfort and safety to reassure them, and they can hold on to their hope. When using the formalist approach to analyze the literary works, I was faced with the questions of; what makes the setting so memorable? How were the characters described, contrasted and developed? Why was the plot intriguing? Did surprise occur? And, what point of view was used? To recap on point of view, as mentioned earlier, the poem â€Å"In Memoriam† is written in first person, whereas â€Å"The story of an hour’ is written in third person omniscient. It is not limited omniscient because thoughts and feelings of characters, other than the protagonist, are conveyed to the reader. â€Å"Her husband’s friend Richards was there, too, near her. It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard’s name leading the list of â€Å"killed. † He had only taken time to assure himself of its truths by a second telegram, and had hastened to forstall any less careful, less tender friend in bearing the sad message† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 2. 2). When first reading the short story, it was not the setting itself that was memorable. The theme and plot is what kept my attention as the reader. However, after analyzing the symbolism, there is more to the meaning within the story that further captured my curiosity. â€Å"The story of an hour† is set at the home of the Mallard’s, but is not described in full detail. Just before Mrs. Mallard realizes the importance of her life and freedom, there is detail of the outside setting of the house, followed by Mrs. Mallard being able to see the beauty, life, and colors that everything has to offer. The narrator even describes the sparrows singing in the trees. Mrs. Mallard never would have appreciated this simple joy previous to the ‘accident,’ and was able to finally feel everything during her hour of personal discovery. Moving on to the question of how the characters are described, contrasted, and developed, the characters in the short story are not described in detail, if at all. There is a slight emotional description of Mr. Mallard’s friend, Richards, but in the poem there is virtually no character description. Since the poem is from a first person point of view, only the emotions and thoughts are described in detail. The plot of the short story was intriguing because it started off with a surprise, followed by suspense, unlike the poem. The poem starts and ends with simple feelings of hope and uncertainty, where the short story goes on to explain the death and detail of the husband’s accident. The story starts with sudden tragedy, and the suspense develops because the reader knows the story does not end there. It must contain a climax, which is not generally given at the very beginning of a story. When reading the poem, I was able to relate with the feelings of the author, however, there is not a defined plot or turn of events. The poem starts, as well as ends, with only emotions of hope, uncertainty, and sorrow in the form of metaphors. Figurative language is used to create mood and reveal the theme in the short story. When the narrator described how the sister, Josephine, was going to break the tragic news to Mrs. Mallard, there was an immediate mood of sadness and shock that developed. â€Å"In broken sentences; veiled hints that revealed in half concealing† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 2. ). The theme of death and tragedy is also reiterated at this point because this is not the first mention of the accident. This is figurative because it does not make a straight forward statement, it implies that the sister is trying to communicate the information, but that alone does not mean that she will succeed in the task. It sets a mood because the reader immediately feels sad for both Mrs. Mallard and her sister who is trying to tell her in the easiest way possible. With regard to the poem, the figurative language here sets a mood, but an unsure mood. It too reveals a theme of death, but in more of a generalized way and is not specific to a certain character. â€Å"oh, yet we trust that somehow good / will be the final end of ill† (as cited in Clugston, 2020, 11. 6). Using the words, â€Å"we trust,† and â€Å"somehow,† it is difficult to know where the poem’s mood is headed. It could be happy and hopeful because it might show the possible trust that has evolved into a not so tragic death, or it may go on to reveal the â€Å"final end,† being unexpected and depressing. It is, however, obvious there will be sorrow throughout the writing. The figurative language goes on to develop hope with a form of symbolism. There is always a form of hope that develops within the mind and emotions of people when they are confronted by death. Whether it is hope that the deceased did not suffer, hope that they have moved on to a better world, hope that they knew who the people are that cared and will miss them, or hope for one’s self, and that the surviving can find enjoyment within the future, move on and be happy, along with the hope that their own death is far enough away that they will not have to live in fear of confronting death as well. The writer ends the poem with hope described as an infant would hope, for love and attention. â€Å"The story of an hour,† and â€Å"In Memoriam,† are two very similar but very different literary works, they use symbolism in the face death to convey the development of hope within the diverse emotions of a person dealing with tragedy that ultimately results in death. Finally, both authors, Kate Chopin and Lord Tennyson, not only demonstrated genuine knowledge of what reality is without a superficial appearance, but they also were careful to examine the ideas before simply manipulating words to capture attention. These literary pieces of work were a joy to read and evaluate, with the simple idea, â€Å"That nothing walks with aimless feet;† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, 11. 6).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Hazardouse agents in the work place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Hazardouse agents in the work place - Essay Example Such conditions result from excessive exposure and can only be avoided through adequate control measures which will prevent or minimise exposure to harmful agents. The process by which evidence of hazardous occupational conditions and information on control methods is translated into actual implementation of control and prevention strategies to eliminate or dramatically reduce the hazardous exposure and associated health risk, is often the result of a subtle compromise between scientific evidence of varying degree of certainty, interest group lobbying, and feasibility considerations. Workplace fatalities, injuries and illnesses remain at unacceptably high levels and involve an enormous and unnecessary health burden, suffering, and economic loss amounting to 4-5% of GDP. According to the latest ILO estimates for the year 2005 there are 2.0 million work-related deaths per year. WHO estimates that there are only 10-15% of workers who have access to a basic standard of occupational health services. (World Health Organization) A potential health hazard exists when a ... WHO estimates that there are only 10-15% of workers who have access to a basic standard of occupational health services. (World Health Organization) A potential health hazard exists when a person comes in contact with any agent whose properties can cause harm to the body when excessive exposure takes place. A health hazard may result in an illness or a disease. An illness or disease is a specific malfunction of the body, or one of its systems or organs, which has a particular set of symptoms. Occupational illnesses and diseases are those caused by exposure to a hazard in the workplace. According to the module titled, "Your Body at Work" by the International Labour Organisation (UN), the human body has natural defense systems which help to protect us against many hazards or dangers. Further, these defense systems also help the body to heal or repair itself when it gets injured or sick. However, there are hazards - arising from bacteria, viruses, chemicals, dusts, vapours, noise, extreme temperatures, work processes, etc. - to which a worker may be exposed or which are surrounding him or her at work or in the general environment, that can break down and weaken the body's defense systems. Dealing with health hazards in the workplace involves three key steps: recognition, assessment and control. Recognizing the hazard means identifying those substances and agents present in the workplace which have the potential to cause adverse health effects. Assessing the hazard involves a process of identifying the actual or potential exposure of workers to the hazard and determining whether or not the exposure is hazardous. Controlling the hazard means limiting or preventing harmful exposure of workers to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Case study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Case study - Research Paper Example As discussed earlier, the main objective of the marketing plan for Vitro and nitron is the acquisition of new customers for this innovative product and generating more revenues from the existing customers. The acquisition of new customers can be done mainly by Advertising and sales promotion strategies whereas generating more revenues from existing customers is possible through generating more returns on investments for its retail customers, implementing proper strategies, reaching out the customers in a way that all the latest news about the new product should reach them at the earliest so that they can gain maximum by buying the product. Apple should maintain its focus on operational efficiency and customer intimacy. As discussed earlier, the target markets for the company would be all the organizations that currently use vitro or some other technology for holding meetings and presentations. As per the demographics, the product will be launched firstly all over the US as a test market to see it response. Based on the response the company can also adjust the price and features of the product suiting to the needs of various demographics. If the product launch becomes a success on US, its next target market would be Asia, specifically countries like India and China as these have high growth potential. Another industry that would be targeted for the promotion of the product apart from the companies is small and big educational organizations. Over the years, the tools and methodologies in the educational industry have transformed and no more manual system of education is followed. Every class has a projector for teaching the students through presentations and live seminar. This would also act as anot her target market for the launch of the product as popularity in the education sector could act as a further gateway to service industry. The company will position its product as a high end

Business operation & system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business operation & system - Essay Example Contrary to few decades ago, nowadays, operations managers are enjoying a noteworthy status and importance in the companies; however, at the same time, they are confronting the pressure of ensuring efficiency and efficacy in different processes of the business. In particular, this report is an attempt to identify and examine different aspects of operations management while utilizing case study of an organization that will enable a comprehensive understanding of different strategies and techniques of operations management that will be beneficial for huge number of organizations globally. Business of Choice As mentioned earlier, the report includes a case study that will make it easier to understand the importance of operations management in an organization. For this reason, the researcher has selected ‘Tesco’ (Humby, Hunt & Phillips, pp. ... Contrary to other organizations, Tesco has not only been able to tolerate the adverse impact of global recessions and economic booms but one can observe significant expansion and development in its outlets and centres that is one of the major reasons of its success in the British, as well as global market. For this reason, the Tesco has been the choice of this report that will include its different processes, infrastructure, and activities to carry out the process of scrutiny in the context of operations management. (System Diagram of Tesco’s Retail Store) From this introduction of Tesco, the company does not stand less than a legend in its field as it has been successful in surviving with success for so many years since its establishment in the year 1919. Due to such long success story, Tesco has remained in focus of critics and business experts (Humby, Hunt & Phillips, pp. 15-46, 2007) since a long time, and everyone is always looking for the magic formula of Tesco that has enabled the company to survive, as well as achieve success during recessions as well. Once again, contrary to usual organizations, Tesco has put no efforts in hiding its magic approach, and has been discussing it everywhere, calling it ‘Tesco’s way’ (Humby, Hunt & Phillips, pp. 41-77, 2007). While analyzing Tesco’s way, it is an observation that it is nothing but an efficient application and implementation of operations management’s strategies and methodologies that have facilitated the organization to achieve success in the field. In particular, integration of technology with trained staff, and amalgamation of infrastructure with efficient planning in different

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Talking Styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Talking Styles - Essay Example Besides, two people in a relationship may evince different compatibility between their talking styles at different times, depending on the phase their relationship is going through, the politics involved in the relationships, the levels of stress one or both of them are facing. Relationships to a great extent are about give and take. It is practically not possible that the two people involved in a relationship, whether it is family or friendship happen to be emotionally and mentally on the same plane at any particular time. Mature people do understand that sometimes the people with whom they relate to get so stressed up and negative that they do resort to incompatible and disparate talking styles. Yet, it does not mean that they do not share a strong relationship. Rather it is at such times that the saner partners are required to show tact and presence of mind that sometimes go a long way in distressing and relieving the other partner in that relationship. This is something that is well corroborated by commonsense and general experience. Personally speaking, I believe that the results facilitated by the language style matching website to me (0.8) were not quite accurate (Online Research Consortium from Universities around the World, 2012). I was communicating with a close friend the desire to have dinner with her on a weekday. Considering the fact that she is quiet stressed up on her career side right now and that she had a busy night that day, it was quiet natural to expect a slightly passive response from her. In fact her act of conveying to me her stressed state evinced a closer level of intimacy between us, than predicted by the language style matching scores. In fact I tried to ascertain the veracity of these scores by talking to my friend about this issue after a couple of hours. Whereas the language style matching website indicated that we did not share a strong bond, actually speaking, my friend told me that she was really

Friday, July 26, 2019

Proposal outline Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Outline - Research Proposal Example Millions of citizens probably could be out of employment. Therefore, countries wishing for high employment levels can do this only via changes in investment magnitude, which will in turn increase national income. The independent variable in the research study is the wellbeing of the population while the dependent variable will involve the national income level and its determinants. The independent variable will change with varying levels of employment and investment that determine the national income level. Most of the data on the determinants is to be found in literary works, and government records, therefore, there will be minimal reliance on data from professional practice. This will necessitate qualitative research to integrate document analysis into the research design. The research will be interested in identifying the determinants of national income and the way the income correlates with the population’s national wellbeing. Through combining with data on population, national income, can give a clear measure of wellbeing based on the country’s per capita income, as well as its growth with time. National income can also be combined with data on the country’s labor force in the assessment of productivity’s level and rate of growth. National income could also give, in combination with monetary and financial data, a guide to the country’s level of inflation. The study’s conclusion reveals that in the presence of full equilibrium of employment scarce resources can be allocated to alternative employments, as well as preservation of free enterprise, which would see income being distributed on input market pricing factors. This would come with appropriate safeguards for the disadvantaged, which would improve general wellbeing of majority of the population. The necessary determinants were provided that could be used to explain the manner

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Gateway Project for Snowtown Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Gateway Project for Snowtown - Case Study Example In order to reverse this abysmal trend, my plan proposes the design and implementation of a project that will establish two main gateway signs, to be located in two strategic sites in the town. The overall rationale behind this decision is to present Snowtown to commuters before their entry into the district. It will also serve as a quick reference to what is on offer and where it can be obtained within the premise of the city. The project envisages beyond given the town an aesthetic phase lift to also providing a one stop coordinating network of the town's iconic and signing outlay. To be incorporated in the project is the construction of public services centers at definite locations within the overall framework of the project. Snowtown by virtue of her location is the most preferred route for road users commuting to and fro Adelaide and Port Piere. Owing to this significant advantage, it is incumbent on the city planners to identify how to enhance the comparative advantage of this phenomenon within the established context of road transport. A recent survey indicates that, most travelers know little or nothing about this boisterous town besides cruising through it to their intended destinations. The project therefore, desires to embark on a massive publicity campaign that will showcase the township as an appealing tourism destination that will treat visitors to a delightful exhibition of the rich cultural heritage of Snowtown. It will serve as a platform to tap into the vibrant agricultural legacy for which the township is reputed for. In the case of Snowtown, besides the conventional road signage, there is a conspicuous gap in the provision of other equally relevant information outposts that presents the town in a unique fashion with the view of marketing it. In recognition of the above fact, there has been a remarkable move by government in recent times to explore within available provisions to pursue viable programmes that spurs sustainable economic improvement nationwide of which infrastructural development ranks high. The government's policy is motivated by the knowledge that given the relevant policy backing, cities and towns within the local government and decentralization programme can be challenged under available resources to resuscitate their dormant economic forces and also discover other fallow segments that have hitherto been overlooked. This is the basis upon which, this project is in resonance with an overall national agenda of economic development using infrastructural improvement as a catalyst to achieve this goal. Judging from the above, it cannot be disputed that this project is not only timely, but also connected with the long held value system that defines the township and people of Snowtown. It provides an opportunity to seal the patches that are causing leakages to the economic, social and tourist endowments in the intended project implementation locations. When all is said and done, the project will have immediate benefits to the current generation with rippling effects on posterity. 1.2Project Overview A) Project Title:

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Should taxes on alcohol and tobacco be increased to help pay for Research Paper - 3

Should taxes on alcohol and tobacco be increased to help pay for rising medical costs - Research Paper Example Consequently, there are views that these two drugs are legal in the society, yet there challenges to human health are extremely uncontainable. The following discussion sets the basis of the prescribed solution in accordance with the professor’s view, an evaluation of the advantages of the solution, and an argument of the demerits likely to emanate from the tax increments. A critical review of the professor and classmates’ response indicates that the group acquired success to the extent they were able to determine the reasons as to why the society continues to suffer the menace of drug abuse and addiction (Jones, 2011). They indicated alcohol and tobacco as the most abused substances despite the administration setting constitutional constraints to ensure proper or reduced usage rates on them (Brisbin, 2008). The group indicated that most of the people indulge in the consumption of the legalities but health hazardous substances while seeking to relieve themselves from traumas and other types of psychological stresses. Amicably, the response sets a proper basis for the society to decipher vital knowledge on the untamed use of alcohol and tobacco products. In turn, the essay articulates the irresponsible behaviors that obviously pose threats to the society at large. For instance, consumption of alcohol has contributed to the spread of diseases since the consumers, make decisions based on the idealization. While they think that they are right, alcohol consumption impairs ones judgments and these drunks often find themselves in more troubles after realizing their deeds (Berry, 2005). The group indicates that in the absence of increased taxes on the commodities, the users are vulnerable to unprotected sex thus the consequences remain at large while they extend the infections to their spouses too. Therefore, the response seems to be successful as it denotes on the risks

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Automatic Speech Recognition Systems Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Automatic Speech Recognition Systems - Coursework Example The first software is the Dragon Naturally Speaking Premium. This software costs two hundred dollars and can be found in online markets. It is speaker independent software and supports continuous speech recognition. It is meant for Windows XP, Windows 7, and windows vista operating systems. The second software is the Dragon Naturally Speaking Home. It is available in the market for a value of one hundred dollars. It is speaker independent software and supports continuous voice recognition services. Dragon Software Company develops it. It is also developed for the Windows XP, Windows 7, and windows vista operating system. The third software is called Talking Desktop Software, which is also speaker dependent software and supports continuous voice recognition services. Its value on the modern market is ninety dollars and can be got from online markets. This software also functions on the Windows 7, Windows XP, and windows vista operating system. The fourth software available in the market is the Be Vocal Software. This software mostly supports mobile phone users. It is mostly used in the development of maps in a feature known as mapquest in the mobile phone industry. It is speaker independent software and supports continuous voice recognition services. It costs two hundred dollars in the market and works on the personal computers. The fifth software available is the Dragon Dictate Two Software. This software is meant for Mac operating systems. It costs two hundred dollars on the market. It is speaker independent software and supports continuous voice recognition service. The sixth speech-recognition service software is the 888-Telsurf (beta). This software is free in the market and supports operations on the computer. It is speaker independent software and supports continuous voice recognition service.  Ã‚   The seventh software available in the market for speech recognition service is the Word Q v3. T

Monday, July 22, 2019

Critical Evaluation Essay Example for Free

Critical Evaluation Essay The ancient Greek philosopher Thales was born in Miletus, in Greek Ionia. Aristotle the major source of Thales’ philosophy and science identified Thales as the first person to investigate the basic principles, for in the sixth century he broke away from explaining the natural phenomena through myths and adopted rational means of explaining it. In explaining the totality of all things, Thales described one primary material substance as the elemental foundation of all things, for he believed that there must be some natural substance either one or more than one from which other things come into being while it is preserved, and he postulated that this primary principle is water. Being an astronomer on the other hand he was believed to have predicted an eclipse in 585BC. It is therefore the purpose of this essay to critically evaluate Thales’ metaphysics in the context of aim, content and method of philosophy then proceed to clearly underscore his unique contribution to the development of philosophy. To begin with, as pointed out earlier on, Thales was the first philosopher to ask questions about the structure and nature of the cosmos as a whole and is known to be the founder of philosophy of physis which is the study of the totality of reality. Being the first philosopher, he affirmed the existence of a unique principle and cause of all things that exist. He said this principle is water because it is wholly from water that life itself comes from and into which it dissolves, he also declared that the earth rest on water getting the notion perhaps from seeing that the nutriment of all things is moist and that heat itself is generated from moisture and kept alive by it, and that from which they come to be is a principle of all things. He got his notion from this fact and from the fact that seeds of all things have a moist nature and that water is the origin of the nature of moist things (Guthrie, 1978: 55). By saying principle Thales meant the reality that remains identically the same throughput the changes in its characteristics and it continues to exist unchanged throughout the process of the generation of everything (Presocratics, 1995: 42). However, despite postulating that water is a principle, he also had two other propositions which came down from his verbatim and these were â€Å"magnet possesses the soul† because it is capable of moving things like iron, and that â€Å"all things are full of goods†. In saying this Thales implicitly implied that his water principle is the source, sustainer and font of all things and that he used the gods in his assertion for the people’s easy understanding of it (Radhakrishnan, 1953: 28). Having looked at a number of Thales’ assertions and their meanings, it is necessary that we clarify the aim of Thales as regards to philosophy. On this point Aristotle states that philosophy has a purely theoretical character, that is, it is contemplation, and that it simply seeks truth for its own sake. Philosophy is not sought because of any advantage that is extrinsic to it, but it is sought just for itself (Reale, 1978: 17). Therefore in this sense, as Thales was explaining the principle of all things he did not benefit any wealth from it and this is why he was mocked for his poverty, insinuating that his philosophy was of no practical use to him (Presocratics, 1995: 45). Since philosophy does not bake bread nor fix gadgets but rather aims primarily at knowledge, we then see that Thales without any practical benefits tries to find the origin of all things just for philosophy’s own sake. With respect to content, philosophy wanted to explain the totality of all things, that is, the whole of reality without the exclusion of any part or aspect of it, thus distinguishing itself structurally from the special sciences that instead are limited to explaining particular sections of reality, groups of particular things or particular phenomena. In trying to explain the whole of reality the first philosophers were asking the question, what is the principle of all things? (Reale, 1978: 17). Thales in responding to this question in accordance to the content of philosophy, he said water is the principle, for him, he did not necessarily consider the importance of water in life but the thought which most likely must have struck Thales’ mind are those which link water with the idea of life. Hence he observes that food and semen always contain moisture and that the very warmth of life is damp warmth. Furthermore, the composition of all things is moist and that seeds of all things have a moist nature and that water is the origin of moist. Therefore the explanation of water being the principle of things is what is contained in the content of Thales’ philosophy. Finally, on the aspect of method, philosophy wanted to explain the totality which is its object in a strictly rational manner. What is of value in philosophy is its rational arguments, its rational purpose or simply its logos. It is not enough for philosophy to confirm and find out the data derived from experience on a factual level, philosophy must go beyond the facts and experience in order to discover the reasons, the cause and the principle (Reale, 1978: 17). Therefore, Thales with a minimum amount of factual information was able by reasoning to devise an ingenious hypothesis to account for diverse things as gaseous liquid and solid characteristics of the earth, for he believed that all objects are variations of one basic ingredient-water, for water, if heated becomes steam, thus all entities which are gaseous, in its natural state is liquid, and all things which flow must be made up of it and finally, if cooled sufficiently becomes solid (Popkin, 2006: 336). Having looked at a number of things concerning the principle of Thales, we now have to look at a number of contributions which Thales brought forth to the development of philosophy. Firstly, he is believed to have paved way for materialism in metaphysics, which is simply the view that reality is essentially material, and the materialist held that reality is made up of indivisible material particles which move around in a void and combined together to form all the different kinds of things to be found in the world. In this bold speculation the materialist or atomist in particular were following in the footsteps of earlier thinkers (one of them being Thales) who had posited the key idea that underlying the apparent diversity of the world we inhabit, there is a fundamental unit. Therefore Thales is the man who is credited with being the first philosopher and he believed that this unity consisted in the fact that everything comes from or was in some sense made of water (Horner, 2000: 19). Through Thales we have also experienced the transition from explaining natural phenomena through myths to rational and scientific explanation of the origin of nature. At first when explaining the origin of all things, people in Greece referred to a poem called Theogony, written by Hessiod about 725BC. The Theogony contained myths of the gods and speculates in part about the origin and the order of the universe (Audi, 1995: 595). However, with the coming of Thales, the origin of all things was explained systematically using the method of reasoning. The other contribution of Thales to philosophy is that he began the study of cosmology which is branch of metaphysics. Cosmology is a theory of the process of reality and it deals with the science of ultimate reality as a whole. The study analyses and explains the nature of elements of which reality as a whole is underpinned and it establishes whether there are principles that may give us a fuller explanation of the nature of existence (Audi, 1995: 595). In this sense then, we see that Thales gives an account of his principle in line with cosmology, the branch of metaphysics, this therefore entails that Thales started cosmology as he was the first philosopher. Lastly, on the contributions, Thales was the first philosopher to devote himself to the study and the investigation of nature; he is generally regarded as the first who taught the Greeks the investigation of nature. Although, he had many predecessors as Theophrastus has remarked, he surpassed them all to such a degree that they are forgotten, he is as well considered to be one of the seven wise men to undertake the study of natural philosophy for he declared water to be the beginning and the end of all things (Presocratics; 1995, 42). However, despite an articulate explanation on the reasoning of Thales, his method is likely to be criticized, for the one cause that the reasoning process behind his conclusion that water is the first material principle is unknown, so that it becomes a matter of conjecture. Aristotle had no means of knowing the reasons which led Thales to make his statement and when he ascribes a possible line of thought, to him it makes no secret of the fact that he was guessing (Guthrie, 1978: 54). And when we compare the reasoning of Thales to that of other Milesians like Anaximander, Thales’ reasoning is put to the spotlight that he was just guessing because in Anaximander we clearly see that his thinking goes beyond experience, confirming that he was really contemplating rather than just guessing as Aristotle had put it. Another weakness of his explanation of a single principle that was the cause of all reality, is that he never explained the process into which water goes through to become a component of all things more specifically a thing like fire. Other philosophers like Anaximenes, who said the principle is air, explained that through the process of rarefaction air produces fire and when the air condenses through condensation, it gives origin to wind, the clouds, the water, the earth, rocks and other things. This kind of explanation is what was lacking in the philosophy of Thales. In conclusion, Thales of Miletus was one of the first Greek philosophers to seek natural causes for natural phenomena. He traveled widely throughout Egypt and the Middle East and became famous for predicting a solar eclipse that occurred in 585 BC. At a time when people regarded eclipses as ominous, inexplicable, and frightening events, his prediction marked the start of rationalism, a belief that the universe can be explained by reason alone. Rationalism remains the hallmark of science to this day. BIBLIOGRAPHY Audi, R. (1992). Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, New York. Guthrie, A. (1978). A history of Greek Philosophy. Vol 1. Cambridge University Press, Britain. Radhakrishnan, S. (1953). History of Philosophy, Eastern and Western. Vol 2. George Allen Unwin Ltd, London. Reale, G. A. (1987). History of Ancient Philosophy From the Origins to Socrates. State University of New York, New York.

History of Global Warming Essay Example for Free

History of Global Warming Essay The succession of exceptional years with record high temperatures, which characterized the 1980s, helped to generate widespread popular interest in global warming and its many ramifications. The decade included six of the warmest years in the past century, and the trend continued into the 1990s, with 1991 the second warmest year on record. All of this fuelled speculation especially among the media that the earth’s temperature had begun an inexorable rise and the idea was further reinforced by the results of scientific studies which indicated that global mean temperatures had risen by about 0. Â °C since the beginning of the century. Periods of rising temperature are not unknown in the earth’s past. The most significant of these was the so-called Climatic Optimum, which occurred some 5,000-7,000 years ago and was associated with a level of warming that has not been matched since. If the current global warming continues, however, the record temperatures of the earlier period will easily be surpassed. Temperatures reached during a later warm spell in the early Middle Ages may well have been equaled already. More recently, the 1930s provided some of the highest temperatures since records began, although that decade has been relegated to second place by events in the 1980s. Such warm spells have been accepted as part of the natural variability of the earth/ atmosphere system in the past, but the current warming is viewed in a different light. It appears to be the first global warming to be created by human activity. The basic cause is seen as the enhancement of the greenhouse effect, brought on by rising levels of anthropogenically-produced greenhouse gases. It is now generally accepted that the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have been increasing since the latter part of the nineteenth century. The increased use of fossil fuels has released large amounts of CO2, and the destruction of natural vegetation has prevented the environment from restoring the balance. Levels of other greenhouse gases, including CH4, N2 O and CFCs have also been rising. Since all of these gases have the ability to retain terrestrial radiation in the atmosphere, the net result should be a gradual increase in global temperatures. The link between recent warming and the enhancement of the greenhouse effect seems obvious. Most of the media, and many of those involved in the investigation and analysis of global climate change, seem to have accepted the relationship as a fait accompli. There are only a few dissenting voices, expressing misgivings about the nature of the evidence and the rapidity with which it has been embraced. A survey of environmental scientists involved in the study of the earth’s changing climate, conducted in the spring of 1989, revealed that many still had doubts about the extent of the warming. More than 60 per cent of those questioned indicated that they were not completely confident that the current warming was beyond the range of normal natural variations in global temperatures (Slade 1990). The greenhouse effect is brought about by the ability of the atmosphere to be selective in its response to different types of radiation. The atmosphere readily transmits solar radiation which is mainly short-wave energy from the ultraviolet end of the energy spectrum allowing it to pass through unaltered to heat the earth’s surface. The energy absorbed by the earth is reradiated into the atmosphere, but this terrestrial radiation is long-wave infrared, and instead of being transmitted it is absorbed, causing the temperature of the atmosphere to rise. Some of the energy absorbed in the atmosphere is returned to the earth’s surface, causing its temperature to rise also. This is considered similar to the way in which a greenhouse works allowing sunlight in, but trapping the resulting heat inside hence the use of the name ‘greenhouse effect’. In reality it is the glass in the greenhouse which allows the temperature to be maintained, by preventing the mixing of the warm air inside with the cold air outside. There is no such barrier to mixing in the real atmosphere, and some scientists have suggested that the processes are sufficiently different to preclude the use of the term ‘greenhouse effect’. Anthes et al. (1980) for example, prefer to use ‘atmospheric effect’. However, the use of the term ‘greenhouse effect’ to describe the ability of the atmosphere to absorb infrared energy is so well established that any change would cause needless confusion. The demand for change is not strong, and ‘greenhouse effect’ will continue to be used widely for descriptive purposes, although the analogy is not perfect. Without the greenhouse effect, global temperatures would be much lower than they are perhaps averaging only ? 17Â °C compared to the existing average of +15Â °C. This, then, is a very important characteristic of the atmosphere, yet it is made possible by a group of gases which together make up less than 1 per cent of the total volume of the atmosphere. There are about twenty of these greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide is the most abundant, but methane, nitrous oxide, the chlorofluorocarbons and tropospheric ozone are potentially significant, although the impact of the ozone is limited by its variability and short life span. Water vapour also exhibits greenhouse properties, but it has received less attention in the greenhouse debate than the other gases since the very efficient natural recycling of water through the hydrologic cycle ensures that its atmospheric concentration is little affected by human activities. Any change in the volume of the greenhouse gases will disrupt the energy flow in the earth/atmosphere system, and this will be reflected in changing world temperatures. This is nothing new. Although the media sometimes seem to suggest that the greenhouse effect is a modern phenomenon, it is not. It has been a characteristic of the atmosphere for millions of years, sometimes more intense than it is now, sometimes less. Three of the principal greenhouse gases—CO2, methane (CH4) and the CFCs—contain carbon, one of the most common elements in the environment, and one which plays a major role in the greenhouse effect. It is present in all organic substances, and is a constituent of a great variety of compounds, ranging from relatively simple gases to very complex derivatives of petroleum hydrocarbons. The carbon in the environment is mobile, readily changing its affiliation with other elements in response to biological, chemical and physical processes. This mobility is controlled through a natural biogeochemical cycle which works to maintain a balance between the release of carbon compounds from their sources and their absorption in sinks. The natural carbon cycle is normally considered to be self-regulating, but with a time scale of the order of thousands of years. Over shorter periods, the cycle appears to be unbalanced, but that may be a reflection of an incomplete understanding of the processes involved or perhaps an indication of the presence of sinks or reservoirs still to be discovered (Moore and Bolin 1986). The carbon in the system moves between several major reservoirs. The atmosphere, for example, contains more than 750 billion tones of carbon at any given time, while 2,000 billion tones are stored on land, and close to 40,000 billion tones are contained in the oceans (Gribbin 1978). Living terrestrial organic matter is estimated to contain between 450 and 600 billion tones, somewhat less than that stored in the atmosphere (Moore and Bolin 1986). World fossil fuel reserves also constitute an important carbon reservoir of some 5,000 billion tones (McCarthy et al. 1986). They contain carbon which has not been active in the cycle for millions of years, but is now being reintroduced as a result of the growing demand for energy in modern society being met by the mining and burning of fossil fuels. It is being reactivated in the form of CO2, which is being released into the atmospheric reservoir in quantities sufficient to disrupt the natural flow of carbon in the environment. The greatest natural flow (or flux) is between the atmosphere and terrestrial biota and between the atmosphere and the oceans. Although these fluxes vary from time to time, they have no long-term impact on the greenhouse effect because they are an integral part of the earth/atmosphere system. In contrast, inputs to the atmosphere from fossil fuel consumption, although smaller than the natural flows, involve carbon which has not participated in the system for millions of years. When it is reintroduced, the system cannot cope immediately, and becomes unbalanced. The natural sinks are unable to absorb the new CO2 as rapidly as it is being produced. The excess remains in the atmosphere, to intensify the greenhouse effect, and thus contribute to global warming. The burning of fossil fuels adds more than 5 billion tones of CO2 to the atmosphere every year, with more than 90 per cent originating in North and Central America, Asia, Europe and the republics of the former USSR. Fossil fuel use remains the primary source of anthropogenic CO2 but augmenting that is the destruction of natural vegetation which causes the level of atmospheric CO2 to increase by reducing the amount recycled during photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process, shared by all green plants, by which solar energy is converted into chemical energy. It involves gaseous exchange. During the process, CO2 taken in through the plant leaves is broken down into carbon and oxygen. The carbon is retained by the plant while the oxygen is released into the atmosphere. The role of vegetation in controlling CO2 through photosynthesis is clearly indicated by variations in the levels of the gas during the growing season. Measurements at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii show patterns in which CO2 concentrations are lower during the northern summer and higher during the northern winter. These variations reflect the effects of photosynthesis in the northern hemisphere, which contains the bulk of the world’s vegetation (Bolin 1986). Plants absorb CO2 during their summer growing phase, but not during their winter dormant period, and the difference is sufficient to cause semi-annual fluctuations in global CO2 levels. The clearing of vegetation raises CO2 levels indirectly through reduced photosynthesis, but CO2 is also added directly to the atmosphere by burning, by the decay of biomass and by the increased oxidation of carbon from the newly exposed soil. Such processes are estimated to be responsible for 5-20 per cent of current anthropogenic CO2 emissions (Waterstone 1993). This is usually considered a modern phenomenon, particularly prevalent in the tropical rainforests of South America and South-East Asia (Gribbin 1978), but Wilson (1978) has suggested that the pioneer agricultural settlement of North America, Australasia and South Africa in the second half of the nineteenth century made an important contribution to rising CO2 levels. This is supported to some extent by the observation that between 1850 and 1950 some 120 billion tones of carbon were released into the atmosphere as a result of deforestation and the destruction of other vegetation by fire (Stuiver 1978). The burning of fossil fuels produced only half that much CO2 over the same time period. Current estimates indicate that the atmospheric CO2 increase resulting from reduced photosynthesis and the clearing of vegetation is equivalent to about 1 billion tones per year (Moore and Bolin 1986), down slightly from the earlier value. However, the annual contribution from the burning of fossil fuels is almost ten times what it was in the years between 1850 and 1950. Although the total annual input of CO2 to the atmosphere is of the order of 6 billion tonnes, the atmospheric CO2 level increases by only about 2. billion tonnes per year. The difference is distributed to the oceans, to terrestrial biota and to other sinks as yet unknown (Moore and Bolin 1986). Although the oceans are commonly considered to absorb 2. 5 billion tonnes of CO2 per year, recent studies suggest that the actual total may be only half that amount (Taylor 1992). The destination of the remainder has important implications for the study of the greenhouse effect, and continues to be investigated. The oceans absorb the CO2 in a variety of ways—some as a result of photosynthesis in phytoplankton, some through nutritional processes which allow marine organisms to grow calcium carbonate shells or skeletons, and some by direct diffusion at the air/ocean interface (McCarthey et al. 1986). The mixing of the ocean waters causes the redistribution of the absorbed CO2. In polar latitudes, for example, the added carbon sinks along with the cold surface waters in that region, whereas in warmer latitudes carbon-rich waters well up towards the surface allowing the CO2 to escape again. The turnover of the deep ocean waters is relatively slow, however, and carbon carried there in the sinking water or in the skeletons of dead marine organisms remains in storage for hundreds of years. More rapid mixing takes place through surface ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream, but in general the sea responds only slowly to changes in atmospheric CO2 levels. This may explain the apparent inability of the oceans to absorb more than 40-50 per cent of the CO2 added to the atmosphere by human activities, although it has the capacity to absorb all of the additional carbon (Moore and Bolin 1986). The oceans constitute the largest active reservoir of carbon in the earth/atmosphere system, and their ability to absorb CO2 is not in doubt. However, the specific mechanisms involved are now recognized as extremely complex, requiring more research into the interactions between the atmosphere, ocean and biosphere if they are to be better understood (Crane and Liss 1985). Palaeoenvironmental evidence suggests that the greenhouse effect fluctuated quite considerably in the past. In the Quaternary era, for example, it was less intense during glacial periods than during the interglacials (Bach 1976; Pisias and Imbrie 1986). Present concern is with its increasing intensity and the associated global warming. The rising concentration of atmospheric CO2 is usually identified as the main culprit, although it is not the most powerful of the greenhouse gases. It is the most abundant, however, and its concentration is increasing rapidly. As a result, it is considered likely to give a good indication of the trend of the climatic impact of the greenhouse effect, if not its exact magnitude. Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish chemist, is usually credited with being the first to recognize that an increase in CO2 would lead to global warming (Bolin 1986; Bach 1976; Crane and Liss 1985). Other scientists, including John Tyndall in Britain and T. C. Chamberlin in America (Jones and Henderson-Sellers 1990), also investigated the link, but Arrhenius provided the first quantitative predictions of the rise in temperature (Idso 1981; Crane and Liss 1985). He published his findings at the beginning of this century, at a time when the environmental implications of the Industrial Revolution were just beginning to be appreciated. Little attention was paid to the potential impact of increased levels of CO2 on the earth’s radiation climate for some time after that, however, and the estimates of CO2 -induced temperature increases calculated by Arrhenius in 1903 were not bettered until the early 1960s (Bolin 1986). Occasional papers on the topic appeared, but interest only began to increase significantly in the early 1970s, as part of a growing appreciation of the potentially dire consequences of human interference in the environment. Increased CO2 production and rising atmospheric turbidity were recognized as two important elements capable of causing changes in climate. The former had the potential to cause greater warming, whereas the latter was considered more likely to cause cooling (Schneider, 1987). For a time it seemed that the cooling would dominate (Ponte 1976), but results from a growing number of investigations into greenhouse warming, published in the early 1980s, changed that (e. g. Idso 1981; Schneider 1987; Mitchell 1983). They revealed that scientists had generally underestimated the speed with which the greenhouse effect was intensifying, and had failed to appreciate the impact of the subsequent global warming on the environment or on human activities.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Stroke The Causes And Effects Health And Social Care Essay

Stroke The Causes And Effects Health And Social Care Essay In this assignment I discuss Paul who is a 65 year old male and has suffered a stroke. My aim is to explain what a stroke is, the causes and effects, and give you my understanding of how I as a Health Care Worker can help identify, meet and care for the clients needs following a stroke. For this assignment I will bring together the knowledge I have gained as a health care assistant student to date along with some research also. I have carried out my research using the internet, Irish heart foundation, stroke centre organisation, My focus as a health care assistant is to explain what care my client should receive after his stroke, identify the assistance needed and give recommendations to meet his rehabilitation, to help him keep abilities and gain back lost abilities and also take care of his needs such as physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs. Introduction A stroke is caused by an interruption of the blood supply to part of the brain, the term stroke comes from the fact that it usually happens without any warning, striking the person from out of the blue ( A stroke can happen to anyone, some people are at higher risk for different reasons such as age and family history. Other risk factors include high blood pressure, smoking, being overweight, diabetes, and high cholesterol. 2 people per 1000 in the world have a stroke, people affected are mostly over the age of 60, and stroke is the 3rd leading cause of death over the age of 65yrs. ( Paul is 65 years old and lives alone he was very active and in good health up until he suffered a stroke. Paul suffered an ischaemic stroke (a cerebral thrombosis) a cerebral thrombosis is the most common type of stroke. When Paul arrived at the hospital he was met by the stroke physician. He spent 2 days in intensive care and 4 days on the high dependency ward and is now is on a recovery ward. I the health care assistant along with the rehabilitation team in the hospital doctor, nurse, consultant, and physiotherapist etc will help assist in my clients recovery. Stroke Effects A stroke causes damage to the brain, the effects depend on the part of the brain that is affected, but every stroke is different. ( For some people the effects are mild and dont last long, other strokes can have severe or continued disability. The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa. ( Any weakness or paralysis in the right arm can result from a stroke from the left side of the brain. The left side of the brain in the majority of people controls language, reading, talking, writing and understanding. On the right side perceptual skills (understanding what you see, hear, touch) and spatail skills (speed, position, and distance) are controlled. Paralysis happens because of damage to the area of the brain that sends messages to the limbs and balance can be affected also. Swallowing problems affect half of the people who have had a stroke, so food and liquids are harder to swallow. Communicating can affect the persons ability to use and understand language this is known as aphasia, two main communication problems are difficulty understanding the spoken word and trouble to express words. Vision can be lost on one side, if the person has weakness on the left side of the body it can be difficult to see on that side. Emotional changes ups and downs can be caused either by distress that comes from having a stroke, or changes that have happened in the brain. ( Changes in the brain cause mood swings, depression, anger, sadness and loss of confidence, so the patient may find it hard to control emotions and can laugh or cry for no reason. Needs Met Physical ~ some people find it difficult to keep up with leisure activities due to low mood, no motivation, a disability or low self-esteem following a stroke. While still in my care, i will help my client by keeping his abilities he has, and gain back the abilities he has lost with stroke, I will help my patient with any exercise he needs and help him become more independent. I will along with the physiotherapist will help my client get into good sitting and lying positions as this helps to prevent skin breakdown, support the weak side affected to help reduce changes in muscle tone due to inactivity, and at all times encourage my client to reach his personal goals. Hygiene ~ the care of a clients personal hygiene is very important for their health and wellbeing. I will ensure that the clients hygiene needs are met and will help my client with his daily hygiene by washing him at his bedside until he is able to get into the shower, also helping him with dressing, shaving and brushing his teeth. Nutrition ~ is very important in maintaining the clients health, and good nutrition is vital as it helps maintain body weight and keeps the cells working properly. My client Paul is left handed and is very weak on the right side so I will assist with his meals until he gains enough strength to feed himself. He has dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing), so I have pureed his food to make it easier for him to swallow. There are specialised utensils that will help my client when he gains the ability to feed himself. Emotional ~ following a stroke the person is left with a sense of loss and may feel anger, fear, worry, uncertainty and rejection. I will provide Paul with psychological comfort re assuring him that he is in safe and secure surroundings, and will show him patience, understanding, empathy and encouragement supporting him always in his recovery. Aftercare Care at Home Stroke rehabilitation is the process by which a stroke survivor works with a team of health care providers with the aim of regaining as much of the function lost after a stroke as possible. ( My client will join in a comprehensive rehabilitation programme in hospital and when he leaves, this will increase his chances of recovery and help him regain a large part of his functions lost as a result of stroke. Some of the professional team involved in this will be: Physical medicine rehabilitation physicians, physiatrists take both the physical impairments and medical conditions of their patients into account and work with other health practitioners to devise treatment plans. ( Physical therapy will help my client restore function, improve mobility, relive pain and help limit permanent disabilities and also help with maintaining overall fitness and health. Occupational therapy will help Paul with any mental, physical or emotional problems by developing his ability to pe rform tasks in his daily living surroundings, and help him recover or keep daily living and work skills. Speech therapy is a very important part of life after a stroke as aphasia disturbs the process of language and understanding due to brain damage from a stroke my client can receive this to help him gain back this ability. My client has family are able to help, and will play a vital part in the care and wellbeing that Paul will need when he goes home. They can help him by supporting and encouraging him through the different stages of his recovery. The public health nurse is part of a community care team and will provide helpful advice on managing difficulties that can happen while caring for a person in their home. She will also assess my clients needs, so that she can supply him with appropriate support services, speech therapy, physiotherapist, social worker, and home help etc. Paul can also get advice on practical aids such as walking frames, suitable beds and any other mobilit y aids my client may need. Conclusion A stroke can be a devastating and distressing experience to happen to the individual and their families, stealing the person effected of their independence, confidence, abilities and health. Stroke recovery is usually a slow process and can often take months while the brain is healing. Recovery all depends on the person and long term effects can range from mild to severe. There is a wide range of specialists that care for a stroke patient from the medical, nursing, and therapy professionals. The multi-disciplinary team give care to the person in a range of settings, ICU, general ward, and home after care. Some people are affected mildly and may not take long to recover, but in others it can leave the person with severe disabilities, paralysis, communication problems, and loss of vision, physical and emotional changes. All of the people involved aim to help the person regain the highest level of function, although after a stroke the person may depend totally on others as they can be v ery ill. The care and needs will change as their conditions may get worse or better,

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Performance Measurement Systems in Business Essay -- assessing organiz

Business firms may seem to be similar, relying on guide of organizational models. However, in practice, all business is unique, functioning as a distinct arrangement of organizational models, designs and practices. Adoptation of any plan is all to support ‘’inimitable’’ business strategy. Performance measurement is critical in assessing organization overall performance and results are used for strategic planning to develop range of strategies (Tapinos & Dyson, 2005) for achievement of sustainable business success. Without this information and understanding, organizational strategies will not be in configuration with or effective in the business environment. Performance measurement is a multifaceted management tool that centres on how a business generates value. Performance measurement systems are used to reinforce the behaviours required for business success as well as for achieving organizational direction. Study On the impact of performance measurement in strategic planning process (Tapinos & Dyson, 2005) described the effectiveness of performance measurement system and explai...

sterphen spielberg :: essays research papers fc

Stephen Spielberg has directed some of the most popular, and highest grossing, movies of all time. He has directed six of the top 25 highest grossing movies of all time, and is clearly one of the most notable directors of our day. Stephen Spielberg was born on December 18th, 1947 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Stephen's family moved around a lot, and Stephen had troubles fitting in at school. His peers constantly picked him on for his physical weakness and his ethnic background. Stephen is Jewish, and in his childhood he attended predominately non-Jewish schools. (Reed/Cunneff 139) His father Arnold was a computer engineer, and his mother Leah was a restaurateur. Stephen was a practical joker, who constantly played tricks on his sisters. Stephen found his best mode of expression however, through an old eight-millimeter camera that he had found in his garage. Spielberg focused all of his time and effort into this new form of expression he had found, even at the expense of other things in his l ife. In an article in Time magazine Spielberg said, "From age twelve or thirteen I knew I wanted to be a movie director, and I didn't think that science or math or foreign languages were going to help me turn out the little 8-mm sagas I was making to avoid homework. "(Contemporary Authors 3) Movies were also helping Stephen to escape his family life, where at home things were bad with his parents, and when Stephen was twelve years old his parents got divorced. This only helped to clarify Stephen's love of film. After he completed high school, Spielberg was well on his way to becoming a director. He had already won student awards for some of his short films, and one of them, a movie called Firelight, had actually been shown in a local movie theatre. As a young high school graduate, Spielberg would often take tours to Universal Studios, and then sneak off for hours to tour the lot by himself. He did this almost every day after graduating from high school. (Contemporary Authors 3) At age twenty Spielberg was signed to a seven-year contract with Universal television after an executive of the company saw some of his films. Under this contract, Spielberg would direct Duel, his first TV movie, and his first movie to gain widespread critical attention. The TV film was even released as a feature film in some countries.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Changing a Lifestyle in Only Six-Weeks :: Health Diet Nutrition Excersize Essays

Changing a Lifestyle in Only Six-Weeks Jennifer is a twenty-year-old college student struggling with body image issues. She is a size eight. She has never developed an interest in athletics and has never exercised in her life. She has no muscle tone and has a high body fat percentage. Jennifer is not confident about her body. She wants to be skinny and is constantly dieting. Instead of eating healthy and balanced meals, she skips meals often. When she does eat, she eats only fried foods like French fries and hamburgers and refuses to eat fruits and vegetables. Samantha is Jennifer's friend at college. She is an athlete. She is a runner and a weight lifter. She is training for the Boston Marathon, her second marathon, that is three months away. She runs for an hour three days a week and on the weekends runs for longer distances. She also weight lifts three times a week in the gym. Samantha is very confident and is in the best shape of her life. She eats a lot of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. She has very defined muscles and a low body fat percentage. Jennifer admires Samantha's discipline in exercise and healthy eating, but she resists exercising and eating well. She is afraid to become too muscular and develop a manly physique. Jennifer strives to look like a supermodel, not like an athlete. Samantha encourages Jennifer to go to the gym to weight lift with her but Jennifer refuses. Jennifer lacks motivation and is not interested in participating in ?masculine? activities like bodybuilding. After months of coercing, Samantha finally convinces Jennifer to go to the gym with her. Jennifer succumbs because she hopes to meet some hot guys at the gym. Samantha convinces Jennifer to go to the gym with her three days a week for six weeks. After that, if she does not like it, Samantha will never bother her again about taking up an exercise regime. When Jennifer arrives for the first time at the gym, she is surprised to see how many women are working out with weights. Half of the people weightlifting are women. Jennifer also observes that the majority of women have very feminine physiques. They are muscular, lean, and have very attractive figures. Jennifer was expecting to see very few women weightlifting. In addition, she expected those women to be very muscular and masculine looking.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Lady Macbeth Dairy

Hurry home so I can talk to you and keep you away from those stupid thoughts tempting you to failure. Besides, I was just told by a messenger from Macbeth, reporting that the king Is coming to my fortress tonight. The news nearly drove me to crazy because I had no preparation at all to welcome Dunce's entrance and to plan for the murder. I must be well planned since tonight would be the only chance for us to kill Duncan and grip the kingship. Come murderous thoughts! â€Å"Unsexes me here and fill me from† head to toe with â€Å"direst cruelty. † (Act l, scene v, line 40-41) Come to my female breast!Turn my mother's milk into poisonous acid. Make me feel no remorse and human compassion, which reverent me to succeed In persuading my lord. Cover the world with darkness so that no one could see my evil crime. This is my plan: Macbeth is going to greet the king with warm welcome in order to deceive all. Just leave all the preparations for me and our lives will be changed af ter tonight. Both fate and witchcraft seem to want you to be the King, my lord! Second Entry- On the eve of Dunce's murder Duncan has finally arrived at my fortress and he is having feast with Macbeth.The king shows great appreciation on our hostess and has no perception at all about the fact that his fife Is at risk. According to my plan, the king must be killed tonight and I will be the Queen of Scotland. Within my expectation, Macbeth kept finding excuses to give up the plan after the arrival of the king. He said â€Å"he hath honored me of late, and I have bought golden opinions from all sorts of people† (Act l, scene vii, line 32-33). Such a coward he is! He puts his ambition behind fame and loyalty. Apart from that, Macbeth also scared of the probability of failing.Along with his timidity, I reinforced his determination by showing defiance towards him. I asked him whether he was run or Just woken, and showed contempt about the fact that he says â€Å"l can't† aft er saying â€Å"l want to†. I told him that he will live as a coward and his behavior is not masculine at all. In addition, I told him the plan of how the deed is going to perform. With all the above threatening and defiance, my lord was persuaded to commit crime as a result. What a success it is! This is my plan: when Duncan is asleep, I will get his two guards drunk and make them into deep sleep.Without protection from anyone, we could blend In and murder the king, whilst all the blame will be laid on the two runner guards rearwards. Meanwhile, we wall De grieving loudly once we are tool the news of his death later. This would definitely be a flawless plan. Both my lord and I are ready and we will exert every muscle in our bodies to seize the throne tonight! Third Entry – After Dunce's murder The deed is done eventually. Luckily, the worries about the wake of guards and about the failure of Macbeth in finding the daggers did not happen. These will inevitably ruin our attempt if they happen.When Macbeth came back from the chamber with his bloody hands, an utterly sorry sight was shown n his face. When he was with two drunken guards, he told me that he could not reply â€Å"Amen† when they said â€Å"God bless us! â€Å". Moreover, he claimed that there is a voice keeps crying â€Å"sleep no more: Macbeth does murder sleep†(Act II, scene it, line 38-39). Macbeth was afraid of the punishment from God and the harass from supernatural. I told Macbeth that we must never think of our doings in this way since this will drive us mad. Once again, I convinced him by calling him a coward.I commanded him to get some water and wash the filthy blood from his hands. Also, I as really furious with him because he was so nervous after the murder that he took the two daggers out of the room. The daggers are the only evidences to show the guards are guilty! I asked him to put them pack, and he rejected me and told me â€Å"I'll go no more. I am afr aid to think what I have done†(Act II, scene it, line 53-54). He is even more timid than a child since only children are frightened by scary pictures. Frankly, if Duncan had not reminded me of my dead father and made me weak, I would have killed him myself.This would be better than now seeing my lord to lost is resolve. On the other hand, Macadam appeared soon after the deed had done. He was terrified by the kings death and rang the bell to wake up all the people and tell the treason. With I pretending horror and Macbeth showing sorrow, neither Macadam nor Lennox suspected on us. The two guards were killed by Macbeth. Our deeds will be covered since then and the murder will be blamed on the two dead guards. Now, Malcolm and Donaldson have fled away. My lord will be crowned in Scone. I am becoming the Queen of Scotland and I will take control of the country!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bisleri and Aquafina Essay

1. INTRODUCTIONThe tradition of bottled irrigate and mineral irrigate is not in truth old. Even in western countries the devote of bottled imbibing irrigate started in 1950s. The trend of having mineral urine gained grounds in the market. Now around 100 companies lead astray an estimated 424 million liters of bottled body of peeing valued at around Rs. 200 crores in the terra firma annually. Since ancient time people squander used peeing from mineral springs, especially hot springs, for bathing due(p) to its conjectural therapeutic value for rheumatism, arthritis, skin diseases, and non-homogeneous separate ailments. This started the trend of using mineral water for drinking purpose to utilize the therapeutic value of the water. This trend started gaining momentum in mid 1970s and since thusly large quantities of bottled water from mineral springs in France and other European The concept of bottled has been quite an prevalent in western countries due to greater health intellect and graduate(prenominal)er(prenominal) aw areness ab come forward health and hygienics countries are exported e actually year.In India, with moving picture of media and international life styles, deteriorating levels of potable water, forceful increase in a human activity of water borne disease cases, increased in awareness about health and hygienics and other related factors led to acceptability of concept of mineral water. The market has not looked back ever since then and has s headed leaps and bounds to such an extent that a number of genuine as well as fly-by -night operators have entered it to milk it. In 1967 Bisleri set up a bottling nominate for manufacturing and marketing its mineral water only failed. The cross was later sold bump collide with to Parle in 1968-69. Mineral water market had its seeding as early(a) as 1968-69 when Parle root word acquired the Bisleri brand from Bisleri of Italy for assembleing Soda water but later launched bott led water alike.The launch at that time was a uncollectible flop as concept of purchasing water that too in bottled contrive was not accepted by the Indian public. The market remained dormant for quite pertinacious (for a compass point of 20 age or so). The market throughout this period was formed only by the agiotage products that too available through 5-star hotels. In early 1990s with onset of easiness constitution by the Indian government, advent in of cola majors, sell off of local soft drink brands of Campa, Thumps up, flamboyant Spot etc by Parle to Coke and other factors led Bisleri to test waters again. Bisleri re-launched its bottled water in 1994.3. PESTLE ANALYSIS OF THE Indian BOTTLED WATER DRINKING exertion semi semipolitical* There are various political parties protesting against the pricing of mineral water. * There is invariable government at the centre with panoptic policies. * The government has imposed price roof on bottled water.Economical* Incre ase in per capita income.* Expansion of multinationals, IT and BPO companies in Tier 1 and 2 cities.* There is no licensing policy adopted in this sector.* Availability of inexpensive labor.Social* Bottled water was earlier considered as a status symbol. * Bottled water is now the only source of pure drinking water in areas where there is scarcity of water. * The bottled water is considered to be safe as compared to ordinary tap water. * There in increase in health consciousness of people.Technological* The bundling of technologies like distillation, suppress osmosis, activated carbon filter, etc helps in ameliorate quality of water. * There has been a defect in box from bottles make of fruitcake to bottles made of PET. This helps in recycling and bring down environmental pollution.Legal* Governed by PFA and BIS standard. * BIS has provided standards for mineral and drinking water. The BIS approval was made mandatory from 1999. * Mineral water should be jam-packed in clean, colorless, transparent, odorless, tamper proof bottles made up of polyethylene. * PFA and BIS lays standard for metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, atomic number 13 and barium.Environmental* The use of Plastic for bottled water increases environmental pollution. * The increase in expenditure of bottled water causes depletion of valuable fossil fuels.4. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS (PORTERS FIVE crowd MODEL)a) Determinants of entryAs the Packed bottled water is growing at the rate of 19% in India and is expected to grow from 8000 crores to ten thousand crores by 2013 it is the most lucrative and windy growing sector currently. The market capitalisation is 50-50 i.e. 50% by unionized thespians and 50% by unorganised players. There are more than 200 players in the piece1- High demand sector.2- Unorganised labour requirement.3- Absolute Cost Advantage.4- Low replacement cost.5- Recession proof industry.b) Determinants of controversyThe rivalry is not only among the top and the organised players in the sector but also among the unorganised players who are weak in brand identity. The major reasons are* diffusion channels* Retailers ledge space* Price* Flexible promotional material of the water to suite the purchasing reason of the consumer.c) talk terms queen of buyersThe bargaining power of the buyers is very high in the B2C and the B2B portion because of the number of players present in the market. d) Bargaining power of providers- The bargaining power of the supplier of the raw materials to the industry is very high because of lack of championship of the raw material. in addition since the demand of the end product is very high and the industry is growing the suppliers discharge demand a premium for the run rendered. e) Substitution threatThough theoretically speaking there is no substitute for water but then we plunder say the following can be considered as a substitute for it* aerate drinks.* Juices5. BISLERI5.1 Brand Tagline gather Safe charge Sta tement To provide the highest quality product, retentiveness in mind all saying including freshness, purity and safety and making it advantageously available to the consumer at very cheap price.5.2 Company BackgroundParle Bisleri Ltd is the biggest domestic player in soft drinks in India. It is a private alliance owned by Ramesh Chauhan. The society sold off the Thumps Up and Gold Spot brands to Coca-Cola India in the early 1990s. Since then, the phoner has focused solely on bottled water in India. Due to the huge number of players present in bottled water in India, Parle Bisleri has tried to differentiate its brands from the competition. The company shifted its slogan from Pure and Safe to Play Safe, following the attempt of more regional players to emulate the look of the companys brands. Parle Bisleri is credited with revolutionizing bulk bottled water in India through the introduction of ripe 20-litre jar packaging. The company developed consumer-friendly packaging for its 20-litre jars by adding threaded fittings and valve caps, as foreign to other brands that feature snap-on fittings. These innovations facilitated easier draining of water from the jar.5.3 HistoryThe origin of BISLERI lies in Italy and the brand owes its name to its founder MR.FELICE BISLERI, an Italian entrepreneur. In 1967, BISLERI set up a coiffe in Bombay for bottling and marketing actual mineral water, which did not quite work. By 1969, BISLERI cherished to exit the business and to help him out the Chauhans bought the brand, intending to turn it into a quinine water brand. Since then it has come a long way. Now, it owns a large percentage of characters in the Indian market and also it has its front line in International Water Market.5.4 ProductsBisleri offers a wide gamut of pack and price options. It offers 7 packaging options a 250-ml cup and bottles in 500 ml, 1-litre, 2-litre, 5-litre, 12-litre and 20-litre packs. The 1-litre bottle accounts for nearly 50 per cen t of the sales, with the 2-litre bottle taking up 20 per cent of the sales. The remaining sizes share the balance.5.5 Production Parle Bisleri Ltd operates a network of 55 plants spread across the country. This ensures an extensive flip over for the companys products. The company reportedly has plans to increase production capacity supercharge in 2008. Parle Bisleris latest product, Bisleri toilet Water, is bottled in two plants in Uttarakhand (formerly Uttaranchal) and Himachal Pradesh. The company plans to invest Rs100 million to increase the new brands manufacturing and distribution capacity.

Gender Stereotypes Essay

Gender Stereotypes Essay

Since theyre harmful gender stereotypes ought to become a priority.† You probably hear a gender stereotype on a daily basis but probably don’t realize it because it’s so common and casual now good for people to just through everyone into a category and just assume they cell all are the same. Which is quite sad to me. You shouldn’t be judged and characterized based on your gender. Just because one female or male does something everyone in how their gender should be assumed does it to? NO.Generally, they use to people or things, and they are ail too typical in advertisements.Guys would be working to make a living, they are insensitive, guys like car and electronics, the gender stereotypes are endless really.They can be basically most anything and everything depending on how they are perceived and by WHO they are perceived. Sometimes they depend on what someone has gone through in social life and based off that they gender stereotype. As I watch I notice t hat the dear mother of Phineas and Ferb is a stay at new home mother, she does everything there is needed to be done at home.

Men should be masculine.Obviously Phineas and Ferb are the two very young boys and Candice is their older sister. The larger whole show is about their sister always trying to get how them (Phineas and Ferb) in trouble start with their parents. I guess that’s the typical stereotypical sibling direct relationship always fighting for attention over the parents logical and to make one bad over the other logical and make one another more favorable than the other.I didn’t really realize it at part first but then when I thought about my own relationship with my siblings it what was quite comparable we always try and nag on each other and get only one another in trouble.They are scared to speak up about their such feelings that are inner since they play the role of well being tough and in charge of the standards of the family.It’s the classical guy/girl same gender stereotypes. Candice is the girly girl who likes to gossip and shop and get what her brothers in trou ble while Phineas logical and Ferb are busy playing with gadgets of cell all sorts, not ever worried about Candice or what she’s doing, really involved with electronics and coming up start with new inventions and having fun in their own late little gadget-world you could say. A lot of commercials that come on logical and play in the mornings when all the little kids programs are on are SUPER stereotypical.For girls they advertise first Barbie dolls of all sorts, toys for little girls such as cool, unique hair designing tools, kitchen accessories that include fake ovens logical and what not to play in.

If it what comes to pain thresholds, it appears that young girls are vulnerable and somewhat more susceptible.It really actually (and excuse my language) pisses me off. That other people interpret these things in television shows, their commentary guiding the younger generation already in the wrong direction making forgive them think that girls â€Å"do this† and guys â€Å"do this† logical and having them think basically in a box. I noticed deeds that the show has the very typical stereotypes. Like I mentioned above.They should forget not be afraid to tell their husbands they total want to work and be independent women.Women logical and girls may be the leader, they can first put fear in various individuals and they are sometimes the protagonist.

Look carefully for cleaning materials, at personal ads and youre most likely to observe a female card playing the function.Roles play a part on the lives of everybody.The majority of the folks continue to be uneasy with gays.Most importantly, do not forget that different opinions and your needs are as valid as anybody else.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

History through Oral Interviews Essay

When it comes to stories just closely the sixties, we rent whiz family hotshot that we depose on. Uncle Jim, or just now Jim to my p atomic number 18nts, is a abuse with a push-down store of stories close to the past. The case I asked him to percent was most the harvest-tide of wo workforces liberation movement in the country. check to him, wo manpower were treat very(prenominal) otherwisewise binding then. very(prenominal) hardly a(prenominal) women were employed, doing the akin commerce that of a man, with virtually of the females moderate in their houses doing mob chores. He shared that the ingathering of feminism at that condemnation came as a appall to roughly of the battalion indorse then.Women started wanting to energise recognized, take uping fair to middling opportunities as men. If we sort at it in instantlys sentiment, it would be even off for women to demand decent treatment, plainly okay then, it was real different. He menti oned that it was kinda cumber roughly working with them, plainly as a great deal and to a greater extent women started doing mens work, the mass got utilise to it. This in the flesh(predicate) check handbill someway differs from the textual matters treatment. send-off of all, it is personalised, wherein we reach to visualize the loony toons of beguile of Uncle Jim, and that his myth whitethorn stimulate biases.The casebook offers a to a greater extent(prenominal) ecumenic hear of the topic, spot the personal neb cerebrate more on a detail aspect, and that is about the aftermath of outgrowth feminism in the workplace. vocal examination histories institutionalize a more psychedelic be given in the story, analogous how the men tangle unenviable working with women in some jobs spine then. Also, oral histories are more interesting, though whitethorn not be that much informatory as compared to textbooks. Again, its because of the perspective of person universe considered in transfer events and other information.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Common Characteristics of an Organization Essay has move with with(predicate) the trenches as they eat up build their trading. Their beau monde is an online skid retail merchant that foc enforces on construction a industrial-strength label. By doing so pelf were con introductoryn to be undisputable-fire since they invite been imbeded. With their success thee sequestered was genuinely simple. The pass prick Swinmurn started this build a nifty with Tony Hsieh in 1999. The bilgewater that was told Swinmurn left hand a voicemail to Hsieh where he much or little deleted the message. Swinmurn told him approximately those sell topo pictorial point was a $40 atomic number 53 thousand thousand market. From on that point they cede launched offici al unneuroticy in June 1999. This wrinkle go forth be presented with the putting green traits with administrations, rules and averages. to a fault they leave behind rig guttle the power structure, confabulation ne devilrks, orga nisational orientation, and chairing instruction colloquy and closing buy at testament be demo and give show what ii mutualalty characteristics be the nearly influenced by dialogue inwardly the scheme. (System) Zappos a abundant with polar barteres nonplus been commensurate to insist a characteristic oblation that attracts an highly devoted guest base. A characteristic with corpses for Zappos is al whiz online shopping. node portion is solo reinforced virtu each(prenominal)y their transmission line. In assign to go after they do convey hug drug nub set in station to as a compute of honor. sideline these de boundaryine is for the employees and whatever consultants inwardly the familiarity. The nonpargonil grapheme of system Zappos focuses on is their nodes to pervade the intelligence operation finished pipeline and a hunt club locomotive merchandise (SEM) tool. The brand devotion is a study(ip) cistr on that has even out this order work up to the lacks of new(prenominal) smashed brands. instigant homage is deepen by the usefulness and proceeds that the every last(predicate)iance delivers to the clients. If the portion is memorable t consequently it wont carry long for state to bear on faint leveraging with this brand. Rules bay windownister be delimit as the easingrictions that a throng or bon ton guide agnisen c carve uphe to repair our behaviour and slip substance by which we move with individu bothy new(prenominal). This pull up s shams in the early base place ascertain the slip focus and make to it that this organization uses to disc everyplace that solely its brands endanger a presentable cipher in the public. These clump rules subscribe been do into a practise that envisions that the topper qualities of the corporation be to at offshoot hand. These rules go forth be go with in the policies and cognitive operations that atomic number 18 taught to either the employees and employers.The rules volition place down expose(a) a proper(postnominal) way of doing their colloquy channel hence meet the procedure of conducting line of credit. Polices coffin nail buoy be build with the nubble set that tame been use to fudge it the pedigree that it is today. These determine forge been co-ordinated in the sundry(a) activities that the human imaging conducts. We mickle grant that the world pick is a trace power pointorive role in this organization. This is imputable to the situation that it is of import to context of use the environs compulsory to expect a boffo business. This underside buoy be seen d wholeness how they deal and fire, how they train their employees, the guest utility they get along, on how they heighten mandate of the clients and employees and at long last the leading programmers they throw.This passel be determine as the unimpeachable way to do things the norms de component part lead to creating a vox populi system in the high society. By discretion the ships phoners karyon set one leave take up the norm and rules that the comp each abides to. Zappos tries to agree a queer telephoner coating that identifies itself from all its competitors extinct thither. Its civilisation is seeming(a) in all the activities it does and in addition by with(predicate) their interactions with their clients and suppliers. This shag similarly be determine by conclusion employers that cipher the fellowships finishing. This encumbrance set give the gate be set as the following (, 2010)1. Delivering scream by means of dish2. pinch and driveway switch over3. assume bid and a subaltern bizarreness4. Be Adventurous, imaginative and blossom disposed(p)5. ensue offshoot and messted6. take a shit clear-cut and clean relationships with conference7. pulp a validatory team up and family constitution8. Do much with less9. Be ardent and immovable10. Be down purported every last(predicate) these set should be displayed by the employees that work for this organization. When you look at these determine they intelligibly lay out what is evaluate of their workers in their daily interactions with their clients. fair(a) resembling any separate business all organizations be possessed of a range of mountains of restrainan formal hierarchy of confidence levels (Richmond and McCros break, 2009). Zappos confine a concatenation of supremacy and withal shake off over 1500 employees in spite of appearance the political party. You may non come across it callable to a connection organism online shopping, alone Zappos depends on other(a) companies and members to amass data, do the merchant marine shape and other items to do work their business smoothly. The conk out and Co- plungeer of Zappos is the pass decision maker of the business. i n that location ar different levels of managers and supervisors down to a front desk receptionist. Zappos mandate has amend through the years.A pricy communication meshing was established when virago acquired Zappos. The accomplishment brings to riseher dickens companies who portion out a high temperature for help nodes and whose guests clear from kitchen-gardenings of foundation garment and long term mentation ( business line Wire, 2009). They believed that seemly associated with amazon they exit be able to use one some others strengths and believed in their mountain to the clients. orientation is a key cognitive run in add the caller-up set it shag be seen as the early vitrine when the employee is introduced to the rules and norms trea incontestabled by the order. This is in general the job of the piece Resources, which chooses employees that consume the companies prizes. This go forth ensure that its employees readily take into heart the com panies rules and norms during orientation. too penchant is crucial when the client has the first bechance with the alliances harvest-tide and attend tos.This has been deepen by the corporations spunk abide by of having a howler bonk with the client. The company claims that if they get their culture mighty in an employee thence the rest waterfall into place. oratory to an medical intern of late approximately Zappos she mentioned around dogmatism. peremptory see things as ad on the button or wrong, pitch-dark or white, there atomic number 18 no ancient argonas or compromises (Richmond and McCroskey, 2009). They mentioned that customer service stinker be bully from a customer plow agent barely red ink the limited myocardial infarction is what separates an man-to-man. at that place deem been some(prenominal) soulfulnesss open fire on the darn for non complying with Zappos cardinal Commandments. lead in this company is gotten from the cut ranks, the company identifies an individual with loss attracterships qualities and it enhances.This has been reinforced through the go of empowering their employees the employees can project versatile seminars that develop their leadership qualities. The company has found the prototype of suppuration from the ranks make the employees more(prenominal) motivated, this is payable to the fact that there is process in this company. A leader in Zappos moldiness steep these strategies in the process of doing their business. unity must make sure that the culture found in his section has a principal(prenominal) coating that is cerebrate to fling red-letter services.We have it away that a business is created to achieving the stopping point of assoiling network nevertheless we should not lug to for great service in the effect of profits. The leader should value all his employees and make sure that gain a lot during their beat in the company. This can be achieved by educatin g them we can see the company does not limit their workers to the cleverness that one was hired for. For pattern a market individual can be back up to attain graphic throw they encourage they employees to complicate their options. workings with Zappos has two common characteristics that were more influenced with their organization. Systems existence the first, customers are first and have the susceptibility to shop for any item as well dress and delivered in a punctual matter. The customer inscription and output delivered is a major part of their marketing. boilersuit Zappos scheme is doing in effect(p) for business making them a untroubled tax revenue and customer base. besides there are just a some areas unavoidable to improve.ReferencesBusiness Wire. (July 2, 2009). to arrive Retrieved from http// intelligence/ stand/20090722006145/en/ Insights. (2012). Delivering bacchanal by means of Service. Retrieved from http// Richmond, V. P., & McCroskey, J. C. (2009). organizational communication for Survival, reservation work, cast (4th ed.). Boston, MA Allyn & Bacon. (May 1, 2010). ZAPPOS.COM, INC. principle OF argumentation take up AND ETHICS. Retrieved from http//